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The Revolutionary War Experience!

  • Brewster Historical Society Windmill Village 51 Drummer Boy Road Brewster, MA, 02631 United States (map)

The Revolutionary War Experience!

The Revolutionary War Experience

The Brewster Colonial Artillery Company and Yarmouth Minutemen will be encamped at the Brewster Historical Society Windmill Village at 51 Drummer Boy Road (adjacent to Drummer Boy Park).
Sundays 12 - 4 pm: Sep 28, Oct 19, and Nov 16.

Members in period dress will drill with the Unit’s muzzle-loading cannon, Alice, and demonstrate manual arms and firing the muzzle-loading musket known as Brown Bess.

There will be activities in writing with a quill pen, playing trap ball (a sort of colonial baseball with a twist!), and opportunities to speak with militia members about colonial life, the Cape’s role in the American Revolution, and the resulting Republic’s evolution as a Nation State.

Weather permitting, there will be tents, flys, and a bell of arms set up, and the possibility of cooking demonstrations.