Hopkins Blacksmith Shop c. 1867
Meet Blacksmith Norah Bourbon in the Hopkins Blacksmith Shop at Windmill Village in Brewster MA. In 1867 Henry Hopkins, with his father Moses, built a blacksmith shop at their Depot Road location. Hopkins shod horses and made hinges, hooks and pulleys, among other tools. In 2009, the BHS acquired the shop and moved it to the Drummer Boy Park grounds. With Community Preservation Act funds, the shop was restored to a condition as nearly authentic as is possible today. One of the most unusual features of the shop is its wood forge - most restored forges seen today are made of stone or brick, because a wood forge seldom survives the ravages of time.
Norah Bourbon has been engraving since 2006. She's engraved firearms for the Smith and Wesson, and Colt factories. In 2008, Norah branched off making handcrafted jewelry, forged items, pottery, ink drawings and other unique gifts online as Silver And Clay.
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